Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Rising Gas

With oil hitting 57$ a barrel, gas prices have been percolating up to $3 a gallon in Malibu, California. It is worth noting that the national average at this time is lower, $2.10 a gallon. Gas is always higher in California because they have stricter environmental regulations on gasoline that differ from surrounding states. So when california gas stations raise prices, it is almost impossible for gas to pass over the borders and push prices back to national levels. Should anyone feel bad for Californians? I don't think so. The electorate voted in these self-taxing regulations.

CBS highlighted the pain of escalating gas prices through this poor soul below.

According to CBS, this man is "forced by economics to drive up to five hours a day" to his job in Malibu since he supposedly "can't afford to move closer to work" and "can't work closer to home," so he "sleeps overnight on a cot in his office."

HAHA. That is one cheap bastard. Is it really "economics" or some type of cerebral deficiency that forces this man to presumably commute 2.5 hours each way to work?

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