Self-professed libertarian John Stossel laments - School Vouchers Die Again.
Apparently the state (government) of Illinois just failed to pass some measure that would jump-start the government school voucher program.
One of the small chinks in Stossel's libertarian armor is his ardent support for *vouchers*. He just doesn't quite understand this one. And I do kind of laugh at people who tell me they are libertarians but when I ask them if they homeschool they say *not THAT libertarian*.
Yeah, they're all for the free trading of widgets and marijuana but ignorant on how much the free trading of IDEAS is restricted by age-graded, curriculum-bound, and adulthood-deferring *schooling*. Hint - widgets come from ideas.
Some of these types say they are FOR private schools but the fact remains that most private schools today are, from an organizational standpoint, mere facsimiles of the flawed government school model.
There was one good comment on Stossel's blog by cb750:
Who are gov unions unionizing against? You unionize against an employer who you are adversarial towards. Since their bosses are also gov workers, who are they unionizing against? Its us, the taxpayer.
Now that I'm back in New York I think I'll try to get some tickets to attend one of Stossel's color TV shows.
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