Most of us, are probably ordering more and more stuff online each year.
After all, what's $10 in shipping if it saves us a trip and the hassle of dealing with unpredictable store inventory, waiting in line, etc.
Some *mom* last night was telling me how she essentially has an intimate relationship with the UPS guy on account of how much stuff she orders online.
I concurred with her and was trying to justify the shipping costs when she enlightened me:
ShopaholicMom - I hardly ever pay shipping....just Google 'gap free shipping coupon' or something...I get some 'code' and enter it when paying.
Hmmmmm....I had no idea.
But based on the above screenshot, she's hardly the only one wise to this tactic.
Though it almost goes without saying....that broads don't really SAVE any money with coupons, sales, or free shipping.
No, they just order proportionately MORE clothing, useless trinkets, and whatnot.
There are websites devoted to online retailing coupons. I never checkout from anywhere now without first google searching "(Retailer) discount code" you can regularly get 10-15% or more off your order, and/or free shipping, by simply searching for a few minutes first.
Some chick teach you that?
I googled "discount code" for my most recent laptop computer purchase and save $100. Definitely worth my 2 minutes of searching.
A savings like that might convince me to actually pay for MS-Office installed - instead of *borrowing* someone else's disks for the umpteenth time.
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