Early this morning my wife informed me that her *name* was bandied about for a possible job, with a different firm in Atlanta, Georgia.
The instantaneous thought of:
Moving out of Massachusetts...
To a much warmed state...
With *affordable* McMansions...
In a much better homeschooling environment...
And a 12-month golf season...
Was like seeing a mirage in the desert!

Of course, we'd only go there if, not getting ahead of ourselves, she was offered the job, it was palatable, AND it came with a sufficient raise.
But still, allow a depressed Ma$$hole to dream a little, will ya?
Y'all have your scratch tickets...
why is Atlanta a "much better homeschooling environment", compared to boston?
for some reason, i always thought the eastern states have higher educational standards/environment
The raise comes in the form of the lower cost of living. You know this is no environment for labor to be bargaining with management... bite that hook while it's still floating in the water, there's enough bait!
Then we'll only be about 800 miles apart!
There are more private schools in Massachusetts than probably anywhere. If for no reason other than because it's such an *old* state.
Since there are private schools, not only are the public schools faced with a bit of competition which keeps them on their toes, it also means that parents have a wider array of schooling options.
In newer, more recently populated areas, e.g. the South, there are very few private schools. When I was in Charlotte, I think there was only a couple of private high schools - despite being a rather large city.
So a lot of people homeschool down South out of necessity (and also because they're more inclined to follow the Bible - "...train your children in the way of the Lord"). Up here in New England, I'd say it's very rare. The network I'm a part of is very, very far-flung - maybe 70 miles in geographic diameter.
It is indeed no environment to be demanding raises.
But, perhaps the person she'd be replacing was making a boatload? They may see my wife's demands as reasonable.
For the same money, we don't move. We lose unvested *profit sharing*; we move away from my extended family; we move away from comfort; etc.
Others might, but not us, not now.
My wife is an attractive candidate apart from her qualifications - also on account that we rent, that we don't care about our kids changing *schools*, and that her spouse is not tethered to a corporation.
Not many finance execs may want to move to Atlanta as the city is not exactly *paradise*.
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