So today I headed out to a playground in one of the tony suburbs on Boston's South Shore...
While there was no one anywhere near the basketball court, there were THREE abandoned basketballs just sitting there on the periphery.
I think, though I can't find it, I blogged on this topic before - rich kids leaving jackets and lunch boxes behind at school. I remember the enormous pile that used to grow each spring at the Edith Baker Elementary schoolyard in Brookline, Massachusetts. How do
Not only were there three lonely basketballs laying there today, I also found a pretty nice football on the adjacent field. That I threw in my trunk; AND I had a notion to round up all three b-balls as well. These Moron kids need to be taught a lesson. They shouldn't darn well be able to just go back the next day and use their ball again.
This isn't just a once-in-a-while phenomena. Go to the edge of the local basketball court and you'll find, everyday, loose change (quarters!) that these teeny-boppers discard. The funny thing is, I once tried to get my son to fill his pockets with it but he wasn't the least bit interested in a measly couple of bucks as he's well aware that the printing press is running full-blast!
And nearby at the baseball fields....some kid left his shiny bike leaning against the fence for what had to be 6 weeks. It was on a main road to boot. I can't tell you how many times I threatened to pull over, claim it, and teach the irresponsible punk a lesson. I sure hope someone else took it!
take it & turn around and sell on craigslist
You know....for a second I thought that was a crazy idea.
I mean, who's going to buy a basketball for $5 on Craigslist? How is that worth my time?
But then I realized that I could easily amass say 10 balls and then bundle them for a single sale of $50.
Not only would that be worth it, it'd be justice for all involved: buyer, seller, and losers!
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