Hah! My son already knows about *renewable wind power*....I usually make him pull my finger.
If these eco-pagan gifts are a little too advanced for your target, then allow me to recommend that $60 Thomas The Tank recycling center.
BTW, I've resolved to devastate planet Earth; yesterday, I went out and bought everyone left on my list a digital picture frame!
[Not for anything....but that *wind power* toy was an ingenious invention. Probably won't take much for government school science departments to all add it to their core curricula!]
"extended bachelorhood and divorce are NOT GREEN at all"
really? do you seriously think love is just a commodity?
I'm with you on the Pitbulls, swine flu hysteria, and housing market, but I just don't follow your logic on this one...
I am fully aware that the main point of this posting is to bait me into another insane tirade on how you are contributing to the destruction of the planet. But I will oblige you anyway...
Forget about Al Gore and his GREEN profiteering for a moment. Forget about Global Warmi... er... Climate Change. Forget about Cap and Trade.
Now think back to the disgusting Chinese pollution pictures you posted a few months back. Do you think that mess was caused by one guy and his digital picture frame? No, it was caused by a huge collection of selfish slobs, who each thought that their individual contribution to the toxic eyesore was no big deal.
So, they each went about their way, business as usual, until there was no denying that they had turned the own land into one big filthy rotten sewer.
Keep convincing yourself that you're not part of the problem if it helps you to sleep at night.
Hey kids, are you thirsty? Here's a nice tall glass of used motor oil...I'd offer you ice cubes, but there's no energy left for the freezer. I used it all on the picture frame.
dont confuse 3rd world country's (companies) waste management(recycling?) capabilities with individual actions.
I dont do littering and am considerate of recycling. And I dont mind using digital picture frame. That makes me a selfish slob? And If I were an average chinese guy, do u think i would cause all that in those pictures?
digital frame(actually, energy usage) has nothing to do with waste management. There are commercial waste management companies to take care of it.
If you want to blame someone for those picutres, that would be government environment regulations and public-companies responsibility.
Anonymous, Please! Aren't you the one who, three posts back, said:
"Lets humans be. We dont want no stinking .gov(or other "good humans") regulating us (or our energy usage)."
And now you are telling me this?:
"If you want to blame someone for those picutres, that would be government environment regulations..."
Oh, and furthermore, i thought i explained this pretty clearly:
And If I were an average chinese guy, do u think i would cause all that in those pictures?
It's not the average Chinese guy...it the collection of millions of average Chinese guys.
You see, it is individuals who make the little piles of trash that the reckless governments combine into one huge pile of trash.
Today's digital picture frame is tomorrow's toxic mercury contamination.
hey when did i say i dont want .gov to provide basic services. Somebody has to. Even better, they can leave that to private companies.
I never said i would shit wherever i want, and wont cleanup.
I dont have problem people making little piles of trash, as long as they are recycled/cleaned-up(litter law) properly. (either by .gov or private companies).
That shouldn't stop you from using digital picture frame. you are looking at wrong place - consumer is not the problem; Let .gov enforce basic regulations(which they already do on pollution, littering, industrial waste etc) and let free market figure out solutions for them (pollution, recycling, energy etc). They have to eventually; If not now, then in 100 years or 500.
Check out this video from the makers of build a bear...Indoctrination 101...
Divorce and *single-living* ARE NOT green. Think about it. Google it.
China has been a bad steward of the earth, well, because it's a socialist country. Much of that pollution is from nationalized and quasi-nationalized industry. It's not from *individuals*. Socialists have never been good Earth-nurturers - glaring example #2 is the former Soviet Union. Private property rights are the best thing for Father Earth.
Think about it. If wealthy people owned homes on those Chinese rivers, AND they could sue the polluters...
Good one Kfell!
Will pull that one to the front page.
China has been a bad steward of the earth, well, because it's a socialist country. Much of that pollution is from nationalized and quasi-nationalized industry. It's not from *individuals*.
Gee, I wonder exactly what un-named industry we are referring to? Could it be the industry that generates power necessary to operate digital picture frames? Or maybe the industries that build all those parts for the digital picture frame?
Either way, people hold no personal responsibility for that mess. Some big bad faceless industry is to blame. Right?
YES *big faceless industry* is indeed a prime culprit!
That's exactly what I'm saying.
Think about it.
Big Business, Big Education, Big Medicine, Big Military....they all have been carefully designed to deflect responsibility, criticism, downsizing, reform, and elimination. That's why I am AGAINST concentrated power - in all its forms.
Here's Will Durant channeling the tyrant Napoleon:
It was one of Bonaparte’s maxims that "men are powerless to determine the future; only INSTITUTIONS fix the destinies of nations."
And Hitler, Stalin, and the rest of history's biggest jerks did their most damage by setting up *faceless* arms of government, did they not?
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