Thursday, July 01, 2010

Still Commodity Trading...

I've already complained about the - New York Sticker Shock - I am suffering at the moment.

For example, the half-gallon 1.75 quarts of Breyers that I used to buy in Boston for $4.99 (already a high price!) costs $6.29 at local grocery stores.

26% higher food costs? Is that what I have to expect here on Long Island?

I couldn't bring myself to buy the ice cream when I first noticed the price jump. Sure, it's only $1.30 more for one of my favorite indulgences, and there's plenty of room in the budget for it. All I need is a little time to recover from the initial shock and to intellectually justify the purchase.

But then the other day I was shocked to see Breyers on sale for the ultra-low price of $2.50.

I bought four of them - the most I could fit into my MIL's meat-cluttered freezer.

In fact I can't EVER remember seeing that brand offered so cheaply in all of my life. When my wife got home Monday night, with my $6.29 complaints still fresh in her memory, she saw all the ice cream in the freezer and laughed, "What? Was it on sale?"

I said to her that this was ridiculous; that I felt like I was now *trading exotic food derivatives* with price swings this crazy.

Perhaps my MIL, with her generic everything, stockpiled foodstuffs, and frozen meat, isn't so *cheap* after all? That's just what living in New York for 40 years conditions anti-Morons to do.

Do any of y'all remember when ice cream actually came in half-gallons?

Surely it was those skimmers on Wall Street who advised every food manufacturer on the fruited plain to reduce package sizes!


auntulna said...

Verily, it is evil wrought upon us. I'm dealing with the cut-down of canned tuna from 6oz to 4.5 oz per can. 6oz was just right for me.

Can't stand the thought of eating a whole can of tuna? Try the fillet in olive oil, and you will feel like a gourmand.

Anonymous said...

All grocery items have a 12 week cycle - wait another 12 weeks to get the product on sale

CaptiousNut said...


12 weeks, huh?

That's interesting. I'm going to watch for that from now on. Thanks.