So the weenies are trying to rip GoDaddy CEO Bob Parson because he shot an elephant in Africa.
You watch the video and tell me if he's a mean as the New York Times would have you believe:
It was just a hunch but I Googled Mr. Parson's *politics* and instantly learned that they were antipodal to the NYT crowd. Go figure.
The worst possible torture someone could go through - hunger.
One of the 'funniest' things to do in life - Bob Parsons act.
Yeah, I'm sure that weenie Bob Parsons is starving...
And as for the elephant, I'm guessing he doesn't have a whole lot of options of where to walk.
How about building a fence around your garden instead of shooting the elephant?
Oh, and the elephant romping all over the crops is a problem but the huge mob of people doing the exact same thing is just fine. Okayyyyyy!
It's just *evolution* - shooting the elephant.
Survival of the fittest!
Depending on how crafty the elephant is survival is not always guaranteed. More than one Professional Hunter has ended up as jelly at the feet of problem elephants. Check out the exploits of "Karamojo" Bell, John "Pondoro" Taylor, and Peter Capstick.
Yeah, I mean they said it was pitch black and that the beasts might charge them, right?
Sure, there's always that possibility. I'd put the odds at about .00000001% chance any hunter gets trampled. But your absolutely right, it probably could happen.
I'd at least give them credit for eating the thing after they killed it, but elephant meat is gross.
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