Thursday, April 16, 2009

Make Them Walk!

So recently, while taking my daughter out for a ride to induce a nap, I got stuck behind the local school bus.

Within about 400 yards, it made 5 STOPS!!!

It was literally a door-to-door limousine service. Why couldn't it just stop once in the middle and make the brats walk for 30 seconds or so?

I really didn't mind because I was in no hurry at all. Just the pure inanity of it chafed me.

Then, maybe two weeks later, I got stuck behind a school bus in the adjacent tony town. Likewise, this bus also stopped every few feet to let kids out RIGHT ON THEIR DOORSTEP even though the span was also a mere couple hundred yards, and even though there was a full-fledged sidewalk they could have utilized.

So where does this movie star treatment come from? From the parents? Or from the school that will no doubt claim *insurance reasons*?

Regardless, this is just another example of the gross infantilization of government schools.

Just when my father thought the schools couldn't descend any further from his *time* when he had to walk to school uphill in the snow - BOTH WAYS!

[I, myself, was walking a mile to and from school by the 1st grade - though admittedly, it was only uphill on the way there.]

So schools are going to spend millions on nutrition education and BMI tests for obese school children.....meanwhile they should just make the darn kids walk A LITTLE!

And then we have these parents that *pick-up* their kids at the bus stop via car. I have parents waiting at the end of my driveway for their kids each afternoon in a minivan - EVEN THOUGH I could literally hit their house with a 6 iron (167 yards) from here.


Paul Mitchell said...

Leaving my neighborhood behind the bus would take 20 minutes. I know exactly what you mean. The bus here stops Lob wedge flipped over to be hit lefty distance.

Anonymous said...

Haha. I hate this. If I get stuck behind the neighborhood bus on my way to work it is ridiculous. The kids can actually have conversations with each other-between bus stops. Stopping every half a dozen houses I can understand, but picking the kids up at every single house? It is actually more frustrating to the cars following-there are 4 stops within a sightline and you are already stopped and you know there are a whole bunch more coming.

And then there are those rare poor hapless parents who must be poor or something, their kids don't get picked up at the house so they sit in the car at the end of the street and wait. It must be 100 yards from the stop. The depravity! I can sort of see it if the parents are on their way to work or something, but the kid gets on the bus and the parents turn around and drive back to the house and go back in, while wearing their pajamas.

Unbelievable. I walked or rode a bike throughout most of my childhood. I actually wanted to ride my bike even though we lived 5 or 6 miles from the school in 2 towns we lived in. Hmm, maybe that is why I am not fat.

Slow out.

CaptiousNut said...

Not fat?

I guess we'll have to take your word for it.

My midriff has been exposed.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, you must do a lot of manscaping to stay that smooth.


CaptiousNut said...


Never heard that one. Pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

I rode the short bus up until 6th grade and then went to private school. I lived in a small town and had to walk about 2 miles up a steep dirt road to get to my house. Then had a bunch of chores waiting for me as I lived on a horse farm. I think every child should live at least part of their childhood on a farm to learn how a proper work ethic is developed. Of course I was teased incessantly by all the priveleged Massholes who were sent to NH for schooling. I wish I knew then what I know now so that I could stick it to all those pampered brats who thought the world evolved around mass. This explains why I have so much contempt for your state...

CaptiousNut said...


*Steep hill*....almost busted a gut on that line. Tell it to your kids!