So there was a 10k road race in my town this weekend. And there'll be another in the adjacent town in a couple of weeks. Then there'll be a local triathlon. And the Boston Marathon. A kayak race. And someone put a flyer in my mailbox yesterday advertising a road race in Quincy....
ENOUGH already!
I have no problem with the real competitors of these races. I take issue with the rest of the clowns. Some local chicks asked my wife to run/walk with them for Sunday's 6 mile *race*. What the heck is that?
And look at that POSEUR above. If he's really running in full stride, why do all the other
With his knee-knocking form, I'd say he looks more like a BI-athlon kind of guy anyway!
I have some well developed theories on why *road races* are all the rage up here in the worst State in the Union.....but haven't time to discuss.
Personally, I always hated running. I could beat almost everyone around the track once, but never developed any stamina. Only recently did I figure out why - I was a total mouth breather; I didn't ever use my nasal passage to aid respiration. So I was dusting people, over short distances anyway, with essentially half my lungs tied behind my back!
I still think running stinks. Swimming, yoga, basketball, racquetball,....do something else to break a sweat and get your heart rate up. These days I reluctantly run maybe 1.5 times per week and never for more than one mile. My knees and broken back just can't take the impact.
Then just today I found a flyer on my car advertising the Hyannis road race on Cape Cod.
It's all part of this amorphous *culture* of Boston.
Whatever *they* do....I'll stand opposed.
[Here's where I got the inspiration for that line - *to stand opposed*. CAUTION - profanity]
Looks like a fine athlete to me... not sure where you're going with that
Looking forward to the CN Road Race Theory.
Do use Fusion IQ? What is your opinion on it? Thanks.
Do not use Fusion IQ.
Instead I use CN BS!
My system is more cost effective.
Ritholtz is a good stock picker, I think - though he did say to cover the LEH short in the low 30s....
And he's drunk on his *celebrity* status now.
There's no one system that works. The market changes too fast.
Or, put it this way, the *optimal* system changes too fast.
how do you not "get" road races? it's not like they will part you with a substantial chunk of your god, money. they are usually held for a charitable cause as well. plus, there is the social aspect of it.
do you ever focus on positive things?
I just don't know where one would infer that money is my *god*.
I dress like a slob; I rent; I drive clunkers; and am cheaper than just about everyone I know - many of whom have much, much less income....
As for charity, half of the money I earn gets redistributed to the elderly. The check I am mailing this week is my biggest *charitable* contribution yet!
Some of my thoughts on charity have been touched on in - Marginalizing The Jimmy Fund.
As for the *social aspect* of these races....you're right, it exists, and that is one of the reasons I stand opposed.
There's a stark difference between socialization and groupthink.
Not for anything.....
But my post coupled with this comment are more *positive*, more bubbly than your comment!
Furthermore, I submit that nothing on Earth is more *positive* than the unvarnished truth.
By the way, my god is God.
Yah, maybe calling it your god was excessive. but it got your attention... although i submit that just because one doesn't spend it, doesn't mean he is not obsessed with it.
have you ever seen a sad/unhappy/angry/bitter person at a road race? typically, people in attendance are smiling. that's worth something, right? not sure how you can sh*t on that. seems like an odd thing to me.
let's get some positive things in your life that you can write about. let's start that bowling league at SSCC.
Save us a seat in church tomorrow. Sorry I missed it tonight...
Do you have copyright permission to run that photo?
Yes, I have *expressed written consent* to run that photo.
Yes, I realize that I gave an incorrect retort/defense of my personal relationship with moolah.
I should have said that I:
1) Left a career (pit trading) and a city (Philly) that I loved to chase my future first wife to NYC.
2) And that I have further sacrificed more lucrative careers trafficking in corporate OPM for the sake of a balanced family life.
3) I am raising and teaching my own kids at the expense of not only my net worth, often at the expense of my sanity.
While my execution is choppy, my priorities have been solid for quite a while. Mrs. C-Nut civilized me some ten year ago.
And I'm dead right about those road races!
When the triathlon comes by my house in a few weeks....I'm going to hand out cups of salted water.
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