Ann Coulter's column on the so-called Tea Parties this week posited a foreboding Californian analogy:
In June 2002, the liberal American Prospect magazine called California a "laboratory" for Democratic policies, noting that "California is the only one of the nation's 10 largest states that is uniformly under Democratic control."
They said this, mind you, as if it were a good thing. In California, the article proclaimed, "the next new deal is in tryouts." As they say in show biz: "Thanks, we'll call you. Next!"
In just a few years, Democrats had turned California into a state -- or as it's now known, a "job-free zone" -- with a $41 billion deficit, a credit rating that was slashed to junk-bond status and a middle class now located in Arizona.
Democrats governed California the way Democrats always govern. They bought the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries and benefits -- and then turned around and accused the productive class of "greed" for wanting not to have their taxes raised through the roof.
Having run out of things to tax, now the California legislature is considering a tax on taxes. Seriously. The only way out now for California is a tax on Botox and steroids. Sure, the governor will protest, but it is the best solution ...
California was, in fact, a laboratory of Democratic policies. The rabbit died, so now Obama is trying it on a national level.
That's what the tea parties are about.
Now I haven't been to California that much so all I can go on is what I read - which isn't too good.
The sense that many have is that California is on many levels already a Third World nation.
Could that happen on a national level? Dear God let's hope not.
Incidentally, Californians have always represented this blog's largest readership - so the state can't be all bad.
(I did read Mexifornia three years ago. See my take here.)
1 comment:
Oh Bro, CA is hurtin' for certain. I would elaborate but it is too depressing...
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