Saturday, March 30, 2013

Selfish, Stupid Dog People (Again)

Of course it was only a matter of time before some legislation was aimed at these Morons...

Unfortunately it's only one State, the fine is ridiculously low ($25), and the cops need another cause to pull you over for a dog citation.

Rules and the enforcement thereof are always two separate issues.  For example, the hands-free cell phone rule in New York...

Well they don't seem to ticket anybody (besides me, once).  Half the drivers on the road are still brazenly texting, dialing, and reading.

Maybe the cops don't want to do it because they think it will stoke the ire of the populace?  Maybe the cops are afraid that doing so would endanger political support for their lavish pensions?

I don't know.  But it seems that all the police need is a $100 digital camera and to stand at any traffic light and they could write $160 tickets all day long, get some money for our *lean* government, and who knows, perhaps even make the roads safer...

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