Saturday, May 29, 2010

That Nasty Neighbor

Great article here.


Anonymous said...

Since your link buddy is too insecure in their "beliefs" to allow anon comments, I'll comment here:

Nice metaphor, but even if you manage to enslave your children to your own unprovable phantasms, it is only temporary. One day, they will be of age, and then they'll be gone. If they are compassionate, expect to see them again. If not, silence will be your payment for deluding them.

CaptiousNut said...

Thanks for the warning.

I have to say, I look askance on bloggers who disallow anonymous comments.

I can see if one has a widely read blog that's subject to spam (e.g. Mike Shedlock)....but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Though in fairness, some people just don't understand the pros and cons of anonymity in this day and age. It's like these 'old coots' who don't like to talk about how much they paid for or sold their house for. Fine, don't tell me. I can find out on in two seconds!