I can’t take it anymore, everywhere I go I run into complete, total whack-job Morons.
A friend of mine just bought a new cell phone for $200 and bought the “insurance” for $6 a month. That is $72 per year for you math illiterates and would only be worth it if she had a 36% chance of losing the phone this year. Actually, over a two year period, the insurance is only worth it if the probability of a lost phone was 72%. Why not just flush your money down a toilet?
I just played golf this damp morning outside of Boston. There were 3 people on the empty course. I was riding a cart and 2 single walkers (players playing solo) were ahead of me. Neither of them would let me play through. I mean how bleepin’ retarded and ignorant can you get? I eventually hit my driver right over their pin-heads and drove right past them. Yeah, it is 47 degrees and raining and I was going to wait behind them for every shot with 16 empty holes ahead of me? I think not. Big deal, I just Marginalized them. But I should have pummeled the one dork who asked me if I was “in a hurry”.
That “in a hurry” remark reminded me of an incident I had a supermarket (Key Food) in Brooklyn. After finishing up my shopping, I was going to check out and just after I got in line, some old guy with a “few” items tried to cut in front of me. So I blocked him off and turned my back to him for a few seconds. I guess he mistakenly thought that I would step back. So I held my ground and then he decided to ASK if he could go ahead of me. I shook my head and derisively told the creep “NO”. I said maybe if you didn’t try to cut me, I would have let you go, but now I have to teach you a lesson. The creep started cussing me out (and another fossil reflexively started chirping at me as well). The meddler said that I had no respect for my elders all the while the original agitator was muttering four-lettered invective at me. I was dying laughing and the old bat cried out in desperation that he was “in a hurry”. To which I responded that I had no plans or urgencies at all. I said my evening was “wide-open”. Wow, was this guy pissed.
I have Marginalized CNBC in past blogs. They are the typical big, stodgy socialist media outlet. They are trying to show their progressivism by running blogs (Squawk Blog and The Morning Blog). All day they promote their blog web addresses, but there is basically nothing on their blogs. The CNBC hosts actually tout "new pics" of themselves on the blog, as if looking at their mugs all day isn’t enough. Do they really think anyone is interested this?
Also, you need a MSN Passport ID to post messages on their blogs. Since no one has one, there is nobody posting comments. I got a MSN ID just so I could criticize them. I figured that I needed an outlet after listening to their crap for 10 years, all day long. But they won’t publish my comments anymore. You can google “CaptiousNut” (click here) to see some of my hardly incendiary comments that some pissant at CNBC has decided to censor. So to sum it up, there is little blog content, a barrier to posting comments, and censorship of criticism. Somebody tell CNBC that “THAT IS NOT A BLOG”.
Thank God for the internet because I keep losing media outlets. I had to cancel Businessweek, I haven’t bought a newspaper in over 4 years, I haven’t watched the local news in years, and now I am muting CNBC practically all day long.

I heard some boob on the radio say today that the recent rain in New Hampshire has cost the state billions in tourism revenue. The first two weeks of October are peak viewing for foliage in the White Mountains. But come on, “billions”? He tried to justify his remark with an anecdote about a family of Londoners that usually comes to see the leaves this time of year. First of all, one “billion” is 1,000 million dollars. It is a lot of stinkin’ money. That would mean that the state would have to have had 1 million tourists, who usually spend $1,000 each in New Hampshire, all cancel their trips. Furthermore, “billions” implies at least twice that amount. I would almost bet my life that foliage viewing is not a multi-billion dollar season. Yo idiot supreme, when it rains, people may just sit in their hotel rooms or go shopping – they don’t cancel trips. Never mind that the boob has no concept of what a “billion dollars” is.
But herein lies the problem. I can’t watch, listen, or read to 90% of media. The content is either factually vacant or outright propaganda.
Last week in Toledo, a handful of Neo-Nazis marched in demonstration of “black crime”. They were attacked, ironically by crowds of African-Americans and disbanded. Hours later, as CNN calls them, “counter-demonstraters” rioted, burned buildings down, looted stores, attacked police, and even attacked paramedics who went in to assist the injured.
So white supremacists marched and ran, hours later “counter-demonstrators” riot and loot and this is the headline ABC News runs.

This is a complete and deliberate mischaracterization of what happened. The videos have been all over the internet. IT WASN”T THE WHITE SUPREMICISTS WHO RIOTED!!!
Those Neo-Nazis must be delirious. Probably not since Al Queda’s 9/11 attack has a plan so wildly surpassed its objectives.

From now on, I may refer to Big Media as the “Apocalypse Now” crowd. What is with all of this Avian Flu hysteria? Does anyone remember the fuss over the “impending” Sars Epidemic? Before that we had anthrax, Y2K hysteria, etc. Today it is Hurricanes, Global Warming, Energy Prices, and the formerly mentioned, panic du jour, Avian Flu.
Does Big Media really think their customers want to be bombarded with doom and gloom 24 hours a day? Seemingly nothing uplifting ever happens.
CNBC is breathlessly worried about “consumer confidence” and how much money people will spend this Christmas. But CNBC lacks any self-consciousness. They have been worrying about consumer spending for the better part of a decade. Every year they think people are going to stop buying stuff, implying that our economy is“over-leveraged”. There is also an undercurrent of paternalistic elitism here - that being the aspersion that the commoners are dumb and recklessly mismanage their budgets.
Capitalists believe in the business cycle while doom and gloom socialists always see misery.
I have said it before, economic illiteracy really scares me. Some Morons in Congress are trying to attack “windfall” profits on oil companies. I have already addressed such folly ad nauseum. They just don’t get it. If you take away (tax) money from oil companies, they have less to invest in production and development. THAT WILL LEAD TO HIGHER OIL PRICES!!!!!!!!

Rapidly escalating oil prices have “drained billions of dollars” from the nation’s economy “in a massive transfer of wealth from average Americans who can’t afford it, to big oil companies who already were experiencing all-time record profits,” Dorgan said.
Hey Dummy, oil companies are owned by "average Americans". This is analogous to when class action lawyers convince stock shareholders to sue their own companies.
North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan (D) is championing the bill. I know, the “(D)” was superfluous. He has a cute little hitch in his bill that tries to address this “taxes stunt development” conundrum. The bill would allow oil companies to keep their “windfall” profits so long as they reinvest them back into exploration and production. Presumably we will need to create some new regulatory bureaucracy to enforce this and we all know how adept the government is at managing bureaucracies. I have already mentioned how taxing oil "profits" further would hurt pension funds, insurance companies, and investors. Someone needs to tabulate how many shares of Exxon, Chevron, BPAmoco, and other oil companies are owned by North Dakota’s pension funds. The inherent problem with this “exploration and development” exception is that it too is superfluous. Remember, oil companies are not run by old men in Texas, they are run by shareholders and boards of directors who would never let a company just sit on cash. Shareholders always demand the company put the capital to work or “rebate” it via dividends.
See Senator NumbNuts, there already is a "rebate" mechanism. I have put "rebate" in quotes because this bill would take (tax) non-reinvested "windfall" profits and "rebate" them to consumers.
Also, "rebating" consumers prevents the high gasoline price from changing consumptive behavior. So is Senator Dorgan against energy conservation? Here Dorgan's socialism puts him in a bind. He wants to attack evil oil companies, but this "rebate" may end up subsidizing SUVs and Hummers.

I have fired at Bill O'Reilly a few times now for his untrammeled econo-illiteracy but let me just say that he is quite comfortable sticking to his bricolage theories of price gouging, oil cartels, alternative energy science fiction, and evil oil companies. He had Neil Cavuto come on his show to discuss said topics, and Cavuto hammered away at Bill's sophistry. Bill smiled throughout yet was as wrong as he ever was.
On Monday, Bill opened his show with this nonsense:
Talking Points Memo - Gas prices going down?
"For weeks we've been telling you that the five major oil companies have been price gouging - taking advantage of hurricanes and the greed of OPEC to slam the American consumer. Some Americans have sided with the oil companies, citing the free market, supply and demand. Well, what say you now? Worldwide demand for oil is the same today as it was eight weeks ago, but oil prices are declining. So what gives? Oil companies are frightened that the American consumer will begin demanding fuel efficient vehicles and alternative fuels for their homes and cars, so they're pulling back Our pals over at the New York Times are unhappy about falling gas prices, saying 'a bolstered gas tax would raise huge amounts of revenue ? to be used to provide offsetting tax breaks to low income households.' You gotta love the Times. Under the guise of helping the environment, they hammer home their theme of income redistribution. Oil companies have been scared into lowering oil prices. And the far left wants to exploit the situation to redistribute income. That's the cold hard truth in the No Spin Zone."
That above quote was from Bill O'Reilly.com. But I watched the show (actually recorded in on my DVR as I do every night) and Bill actually said a lot more than what they posted on his website. He also said:
"Millions of Americans are angry with big oil and are buying less fuel and SUV sales are a disaster..."
"The official explanation is speculators will not pay as much for oil now as they did a few weeks ago… that’s bull." (official explanation?)
"If speculators are driving the global energy industry, we’re in huge trouble..."
"Oil companies set the price of fuel based on what they think they can get away with..."
"By the way, the price drop again shows the power of the people….Individual consumers, acting together, can bring any industry to its knees..."
Here Bill sounds like a real nutjob. He claims that "worldwide demand for oil is the same" and then in the omitted quote, "Millions are Americans are angry with big oil and are buying less fuel and SUV sales are a disaster..."
So what is it Bill? Is demand the same or have consumers cut back? Logic should retard your effort to have it both ways.
There is no weaseling out of this pickle. Bill has said in the past that since Americans consume 25% of all oil, then Americans control worldwide demand. So Bill claims on one hand that worldwide demand is the same, but Americans, who control it, have cut back.
Is there any mystery why those quotes were omitted from his website?
It is funny because my Bill O'Reilly posts get hit a lot but I can tell that the people that find my blog via "bill oreilly" and search engines, aren't very interested in what I say.
How do I know this? I can tell by the amount of time they spend on the blog and also by exactly what they searched for - typically it is something like "bill oreilly jackass". Unfortunately for these people, my critiques of Bill are mostly on a substantive level (and mostly anti-socialist).
If you read between the lines of Bill's last omitted quote, self-obsessed arrogance rears its Gorgonian head. He definitely thinks gasoline prices dipping since Hurricane Katrina had nothing to do with marketplace forces....it had to be due in part to his personal crusade against big oil companies.
If Bill O'Reilly is shaping public opinion on economic issues then truly we are all in "big trouble".
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