Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Quotes, Finally

I've updated the *Random Quotable Nuggets* on the upper right-hand margin.

The new ones are Will Durant-laden, with particular emphasis on the fall of Rome. As y'all will see, the contemporary parallels are flat-out scary.

BTW, that *page element* is not a daily quote; it is as advertised. Refresh the web page and the quote will change. Sit there all day hitting F5 and commit them all to memory if you have nothing better to do.

For some reason the HTML coding I am using limits the number of quotes in my array. Otherwise I'd input my entire stored batch which is quite lengthy. If any of you kids are fluent with programming and can help me out, shoot me an email so I can send you what I'm working with. The first one to fix my problem wins a free CaptiousNut bobblehead doll!


Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention the fall of Ancient Rome, I've been studying it myself. Plenty of hypotheses have been examined over the years: my favorite is that proposed by Nietzsche. He argued the it was Christianity that destroyed Rome. In an indirect way, he's probably right. Certainly the timing of Rome's demise meshes well with the rise and dominance of the Christian cult.

Nietzsche correctly identified Christianity as a slave religion. Whether it was the slaves or their religion that destroyed Rome is kind of a chicken or the egg question. In any case, at the end, there were no more "Romans" in any sense of the word. Ergo, no more Rome.

Of course, a scholar such as yourself is undoubtedly knowledgeable about all aspects of Ancient Rome.

CaptiousNut said...

Rome was decaying long before Christ came.

Do you think Christianity is killing America today?

Or more likely open borders, national debt, entitlements for the poor (panem et circenses), the pains of sustaining a far-flung empire,....???

There were no more Romans in Rome because mercantilists ruled at the end. They wanted *open borders* for trade.

Sound familiar?