I can't for the life of me figure out how it got there.
Must have been a
See also - Mice Body Count - 13.
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I actually took this pic! |
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Tony Soprano's Mother! |
On February 7, 2012 there were a total of only 242 repossessed properties on the active MLS in Queens according to foreclosure.com. This is a borough with a population of 2.2 million.If you believe there's really only that many distressed properties in all of Queens....well there's a bridge not far away that perhaps you and Bill McBride should bid on!
Nor can we allow homeschoolers to believe their choice impacts only their own offspring. Although the national school-reform debate is fixated on standardized testing and “teacher quality”—indeed, the uptick in secular homeschooling may be, in part, a backlash against this narrow education agenda—a growing body of research suggests “peer effects” have a large impact on student achievement. Low-income kids earn higher test scores when they attend school alongside middle-class kids, while the test scores of privileged children are impervious to the influence of less-privileged peers. So when college-educated parents pull their kids out of public schools, whether for private school or homeschooling, they make it harder for less-advantaged children to thrive.Allow me to translate...
Local school officials reported the Himmelstrand family to the social services in November when their 7-year-old son did not show up for mandatory schooling. Jonas Himmelstrand — like many other homeschoolers in Sweden — was forced to meet with local “social” officials to explain himself.Historians will no doubt remark at the astonishing lack of popular resistance to continued encroachments on liberty, in nominally *democratic* countries.
“It was just harassment,” he said. “But we were not going to take any chances with anything.... You never know with Swedish social authorities. You never know.”
Another homeschooling family, the Johanssons, was viciously ripped apart by the authorities in 2009 over the issue of home education as they attempted to leave for India. The traumatic episode still haunts Swedish homeschoolers and is always in the back of their minds when considering their options.
Himmelstrand went to the social services meeting alone — without his son — after making sure that his family was safe on the Aland Islands in Finland. He asked the social services if they would guarantee that his family could remain in Sweden safely. They said no, matter-of-factly stating that to homeschool safely, the family would probably have to leave country.
So they did.
There were huge fines involved, too. Around Christmas, the family received a letter explaining that the authorities had decided to impose a fine of about $26,000 – $13,000 per parent. “At that point we kind of felt like, are these people crazy?” Himmelstrand told The New American in a telephone interview. “Don’t they realize that would ruin our family?”
The Himmelstrands responded with a strongly worded letter asking officials to clarify whether they truly intended to destroy an innocent family based on such a controversial political principle. The family also warned authorities that they would leave as exiles before allowing themselves to be destroyed by the punitive fines.
Incredibly, the local government responded with a letter imposing yet another fine. And that, Himmelstrand said, was the last straw. The family moved promptly thereafter, not making the news public until everyone was safely beyond the grasp of Swedish officials. Himmelstrand did not want to wait around to find out what the local government’s next move might be, he explained.
Some commentators have even seized on the issue of persecution to call for structural reforms such as a true Constitution that protects individual rights in Sweden. The Nordic kingdom — which prides itself on its reputation — has also attracted fierce global condemnation for its half-baked campaign to abolish homeschooling and alternative education. Such schemes have not been attempted in a Western nation since Hitler’s Nazi Germany tried to eradicate home education.
Of course, even before home education officially became “illegal” in Sweden, it was severely restricted. And when parents attempted to educate their children without government permission, Swedish authorities often responded with brute force.
Dear Editor,
I would like to register a strenuous objection to the recent "Woman Undercover" article in the March Golf Digest. As a man, and I am hardly alone in this, I am completely sick and tired of the anti-male bashing that is rampant in the media and in pop culture in this country. To continue these stereotypical attacks is highly irresponsible and I demand a retraction and an apology. The entire premise of the piece is typical of the woman-centric writing these days.
Basically you start with your own bias and prejudice and then attempt to manipulate the circumstances to justify your preconceived notions. You couldn't even get through the first sentence before the insults and name calling begins. "Ask a guy what he thinks about women playing golf, and unless he's a knuckle-dragger of the first order." So, if I'm a man and I don't want to play golf that day with a woman I am a "knuckle-dragger"? What is the female equivalent of that, "miserable bitch"? What would you say if a man wrote that about a woman? Would Golf Digest print that? Why is it OK to refer to a man as a knuckle-dragger and not refer to a woman as a miserable bitch? Clearly there is a double standard in these matters. So, the premise of the piece is that you trot out Kim Hall in her archetype costumes attempting to bait men into giving you the response you want and the one that matches your preconceived bias. The most revealing part of the article is, "More than once, Kim and I encountered men who deliberately sped away from a woman to avoid playing golf with her. This is their right, I suppose. But it's also rude. And shameful. Can we really wonder why golf is struggling to attract women when they get this kind of treatment?"
That is their right, you suppose? You are God-damned right it is my right. In this country I have the legal right to associate with anyone I choose and if I don't want to play golf with women I can do that. "But it is rude. And shameful." Really? Why, because you say so? I have no obligation whatsoever to play golf with women and if I don't want to I won't and you have no right to force me to do it or insult me because of my choice. I paid my money to play golf and that is all. I didn't sign up for any political statements or gender warfare bullsh** and I do not want to be subjected to it from you or anyone else. It isn't my job to attract women to the game of golf. I didn't sign up for that. I play golf to escape the madness that pervades our society. It is my respite from people telling me what I should do. Get out of my face and go bother someone who cares about your agenda.
Here is the deal: Men often pay golf to get away from women. It is a short time away from the badgering, bitching and manipulation that men are subjected to from women on a regular basis. One major issue of today's modern woman is that they never, ever take responsibility for their actions and their role in any situation. Somehow they have successfully sold a bill of goods that makes them immune to any criticism. If a man has the temerity to actually criticize a woman he is immediately subjected to demonization, ridicule and name calling. Men are not genetically born with an aversion to playing golf with women. It is a learned response from environmental factors. Men know they can't talk to women about it without getting bitched at so they just avoid it altogether by "speeding away." The stupid nonsense of not stopping at the forward tees for a woman is preconceived idiocy. Do you actually think a man would do that on purpose so you can bitch at him and spoil his day? I have been in situations where I was driving the cart and the guy riding with me was playing a forward tee and I forgot to stop. It has nothing to do with gender and is a simple oversight. The fact that you choose to make it some kind of gender issue says more about your paranoia and a woman's desire to control through negativity than anything else.
Men don't want to play with women for one simple reason; because women are a pain in the ass. You should hear what is said about women in candor from every level of employee at a golf course from the cart boy to the starter, to the pro shop and the waitstaff and they will tell you that women are a pain in the ass to deal with. They complain, they are rude and they are cheap. Maybe, just maybe, you ought to do a piece on what women can do to make it more palatable to play with men. Or better yet, let me do it. Would Golf Digest print that?
As a practical matter why Golf Digest would print such an insulting article is very questionable. I assume the readership is probably 80-90% male. Why would you insult your core audience? Obviously Golf for Women magazine failed because there wasn't enough of an audience to support it. Should men be blamed for that too? It appears Ms Sternberg has inherited the token female voice for Golf Digest and normally she has a reasonable response to questions regarding male/female golf issues but this piece was way out of line. I have been a subscriber to Golf Digest off and on for over 30 years and I have the current renewal notice on my desk. I will not renew my subscription until I see a printed apology for this irresponsible hack job.
Wayne Mills, Nashua, NH
Last year, the Girl Scouts decided to admit boys who dress as girls. When asked to admit a cross-dressing 7-year-old boy, a Colorado troop leader demurred, explaining to his mother, with tact and irrefutable logic, that her son couldn’t be a Girl Scout because he has “boy parts.”
The troop leader was chastised by the mom as being insensitive and promptly was overruled by the Girl Scout top brass, who, in a statement said, “If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.” Perpetuating this cruel charade on the little boy and forcing little girls to participate in it is “inclusiveness” to the Girl Scouts. To others, it’s child abuse.
But it shouldn’t be surprising: The Girl Scouts have a cross-dresser in the front office.
Ten years ago, Girl Scouts media relations officer Joshua Ackley was frontman for the “homopunk” band the Dead Betties. In publicity shots, he’s dressed in women’s clothing, and in music videos, he appears to be naked and feigning masturbation. The video for “Hellevator” portrays a woman being strangled in an elevator shaft while Mr. Ackley flashes a menacing grin.
Today he issues press releases, posts news and views on the Girl Scouts’ blog, and tries to mollify moms who are concerned about Girl Scout ties with Planned Parenthood. In fact, it was Mr. Ackley who facilitated the Girl Scouts’ “no adults allowed” workshop at the United Nations - the workshop in which the Planned Parenthood sex brochure “Healthy, Happy, and Hot” was offered, although part of Mr. Ackley’s job is to deny it.
It wouldn’t be a surprise if someone like Mr. Ackley was behind the Girl Scouts’ recent scandal: a guidebook that tells girls to check with the leftist, George Soros-funded Media Matters before believing what they read in the news.