Monday, April 27, 2009

Been Beach Bumming

The past two days have been unseasonably warm so I have been donning my banana hammock and basking in the sun at the local beach. They are forecasting 89 degrees for tomorrow so I'll be there again with yet another six-pack of wine coolers.

Now, regardless of this recent burst of sunshine, this Spring has outright sucked. Out of the first 40 days, there might have been 2 or 3 nice ones. If it was invariably rained. If it was sunny....we got freezing winds. Typical Massachusetts weather!

Here's one beach sub-population that merits Marginalization:

How about those knuckleheads who just have to face the sun at all times? I can't stand going to the beach and seeing half of the people with their backs to the ocean. If they want to sit and face a *parking lot*, then why not just lay out in their back yard?

Pagan sun-worshippers....that's what they are.

And the delicious irony is that these Morons in love with *having color*, in love with their skin will spend their outgoing years as wrinkled as a prune!

I don't know how true this is, but I once heard that the ONLY THING that causes 'old coots' and 'old bags' to wrinkle is the volume of sun exposure over their lifetimes.

1 comment:

Funny Circus Bears said...

I've seen this lady in Nice, sans top.