Anyone who has had children knows the drill. Over the first two years, regular checkups with the pediatrician are marked by all sorts of vaccination shots for the baby. With all the adventure of new parentage, who really has the time to thoroughly research the wisdom of inoculations against measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, Hepatitis B, etc.? Here, look at the the exhaustive

Why do my kids need inoculation against chicken pox? I had it as a kid and suffered no lasting damage. It's not even close to a fatal disease.
How about meningitis? That seems very rare.
Again, I confess I hadn't really researched any of this before mindlessly taking my kids to the doctor. But last winter, they wanted to give my six month old angel a flu shot. I told them to forget it - for better or worse, I went with my formidable gut instinct. The nurse looked at me a little cross-eyed and fortunately that is all the condescension I had to bear.
Listen to what happened to Michelle Malkin. Back in 2004, she told the pediatrician she wanted to omit the Hepatitis B vaccination for her son. Here was her reasoning:
Why on earth should we vaccinate our newborn baby against Hepatitis B – a virus that is contracted mostly through intravenous drug use and sexual contact? That is the question my husband and I had for the doctors and nurses at the hospital where our son was born two and a half months ago.
We didn't get very good answers. It was "convenient," "recommended" and "routine," the medical staff assured us. We wanted more information. A nurse gave us a brochure, which explained that babies whose mothers had the Hep B virus were at high risk of developing acute Hep B infections. Well, I tested negative for Hep B. The Centers for Disease Control named unprotected sex, IV drug use and being stuck with a needle on the job as the likeliest routes of Hep B transmission. Well, my husband and I both work primarily from home, our two children stay at home, and neither we nor our 3-year-old daughter nor our baby (for heaven's sake!) live the Kid Rock-and-Pamela Anderson Lee lifestyle. Now before continuing, please read her entire
article - it is short but I didn't want to cut and paste it in its entirety.
So for you lazy bastards, I will give away the ending.
Michelle, because she refused some of the vaccines for her little boy, was told by the pediatrician to find a new doctor. This is simply incredible. Are doctors now little Microsoft monopolies bundling AON ("all or none") treatment? Why the heck would a doctor care so much about one patient's independent thinking?
Small scale or not, this was fascism.
I'll get back to the doctor later on.
So I sent my firstborn son mindlessly through the vaccination schedule and wouldn't have thought about it at all if it weren't for a good friend of mine. His son was diagnosed with mild autism. My buddy swears that his son was developing fine right up until one of the vaccination rounds. No distant doctor or researcher can ever know a child better than the parents who are there, at home, raising him 24 hours a day. All the doctor propaganda insists that vaccinations have nothing to do with autism. Nonetheless they are a profoundly biased group of elitists so I weigh THAT against all their conclusions.
Devil's Advocate -
How are they biased? They spend their entire lives studying medicine. Who knows better than them?Haha. Remember Napoleon asserted that doctors have killed more men than generals. While that may be embellishment, it has more than a kernel of truth. Step back for a moment and consider the pharmacopoeia of present day medicine. Just as we laugh at the astrologers of yesteryear, I submit that one day future generations will ridicule our addiction to cholesterol drugs, anti-depressants, invasive back surgery, stomach stapling, etc. The medical industry is biased toward doctor induced treatment; they are biased toward drugs, surgeries, and just about anything that only THEY can do and which costs considerable MONEY. No orthopedists are out there recommending yoga for their back-pained patients mostly because there is no yoga lobby; there are no AMA-certified yoga schools. In short, while it may be the most efficacious treatment for bad backs, doctors aren't about to outsource back-pain treatment to non-medical healing.
Doctors will no sooner do this than will Professor Mankiw recommend employment in the free market to learn about economics instead of taking college classes and reading his theoretical textbook (for $110).

Now back to my aforementioned friend. Yesterday I emailed him the story of what befell Michelle Malkin. He responded back to me that upon refusing some shots for his daughter, he too was told by his pediatrician to "go elsewhere". Now put yourself in his shoes for a minute. You just had your son develop mild autism right after some inoculations and then when you try to decline some shots for your daughter, the doctor pulls that staggering arrogance on you. Even without the context of having one son already diagnosed with mild autism, if my kids' pediatrician told me to "go elsewhere" I am not so sure that I wouldn't start pounding the snot out of his nose.
Again, why would a doctor care if a few patients refused a couple of immunizations?
About a decade ago, I heard my brother pontificating about doctors and the "god-complex". Using his reputation against him, I totally discounted his diatribe. The god-complex refers to an arrogance and self-righteousness assumed by doctors. It obviously refers to them playing
god with their patients' bodies.
Now that I am a little more experienced and knowledgeable I have warmed to this god-complex stereotype. Almost every doctor I have met in my entire life has exuded profound arrogance. Categorically, they are the must cocksure know-it-alls I have ever met. They are never wrong about anything, be it politics, sports, the economy, and especially about medicine. I can't tell you how many doctors have given ME investment and trading advice.
Sure medical school is hard to get into. Sure, becoming a doctor takes many years, much effort, and financial sacrifice (at first). BUT, doctors are seldom polymathic and never infallible. Apparently the elitist selectionism and the lucubration have given doctors an haughty pride; it's given them the sense that they are simply not to be questioned.
But I would add to that the self-assurance that comes from self-employment. Most doctors do not have bosses or any oversight. Who among us doesn't get self-righteous and set in our ways after decades of answering to no one. How incorrigible will I be after another twenty years of working for myself and
Marginalizing titans?
Arrogance is easy to establish, but how to understand the vehemence?
Again, I ask what's the big deal with having a patient refuse certain immunizations?
Most doctors don't like their authority questioned - especially not by a pissant patient who's read stuff on the internet. Let's remember that five doctors will always render five different diagnoses for a single ailing patient. So their authority and credibility are essentially always under question.
Consider the hypothetical doctor who's overseen thousands of inoculations. Someone comes in and refuses a treatment for fear of harm...his narrowly-educated, arrogant, defensive mind is going to react. They don't want to believe, even for a nanosecond, that their thousands of vaccinations have hurt anyone. Remember, they are benevolent deities.
A more balanced, more circumspect, more
secure doctor should have no problem accepting a patient's decision to omit a vaccine or two.
As a parent, I must say that I am more afraid of the inoculations than I am of the diseases. Doctors will fire back that the diseases are now rare BECAUSE of widespread immunization. Of course, autism is widespread now as well - but the docs deflect any responsibility thereof. Something crazy like 1 out of every 100 kids now has some degree of autism. Have 1% of the people you know suffered meningitis?

In a complex, highly specialized society it makes complete sense to outsource our medical treatment to professionals.
BUT, it never makes sense to outsource our thinking.
Even brilliant, honorable doctors like Dr. Nathanson have to rack their brains, and struggle for years to subjugate the god-complex. I would never equate Dr. Nathanson and abortion to that of current vaccination "orthodoxy" but I would recommend going back and re-reading his
story at least for another glimpse into
Big Medicine and the god-complex.