Friday, October 10, 2008

Do Your Own Research - Scrap The Magazine Blather

Recently I was offered a free subscription to Equities magazine - so I accepted. The first issue came in the mail yesterday and I took it to the bar last night. I had two low carb premium macrobrews to celebrate the stock market crash. We're now some 40% off last year's pinnacle. Amazing.

Anyway, Equities magazine is absolutely terrible. I can't believe anyone would pay for it.

Point of fact, they're all terrible: BusinessWeek, Fortune, the Wall Street Journal, Money, The Economist...

Forbes is half-terrible but half-decent, rendering it so far above the pack it's competitionless.

Real golfers don't read golf magazines.

Nor do real market players read mass-produced, mass-targeted, ad-riddled financial periodicals.

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