Anyways, every time I see a biker on these Massachusetts streets I think:
With the curvy narrow roads, all the traffic, inclement weather, and all the self-centered college students, blind 'old coots', flaky minivan *moms*, meathead speeding contractors, and texting teeny-boppers....I'm not comfortable even walking along the streets of Greater Boston, never mind biking on them.
The crash at 1:10 is unbelievable:
One thing I can't stand about bikers around here, aside from their glaring recklessness, is how they want all the rights of car traffic...
Yet when they hit stop signs and traffic signals they fly through like they're exempt.
Plus there's that whole Commi aspect of the endeavor:

Shoot! It's been three years since I - Marginalized Sharing.
nice job marginalizing an accident. that's noble. let's marginalize a moron who has (claims to have) means but lives in a slumlord's scam.
When I was a kid my mother used to call cyclists hood ornaments waiting to happen. In the city where I live there was a terrible incident recently where a drunk woman ran down and killed a cyclist. But now of course the media has taken to reporting every single car vs bike accident and the cyclists are demanding new laws requiring cars to give them a metre and half (4.5 feet) when passing, which is impossible on the narrow, winding roads.
NZ Guy
i can't stand the bikers on the narrow roads who where the too tight clothes but are 250 lbs, as if they think their once a week or month, or three times per summer cycling excursion in full gear makes them legit. same with runners. their sense of entitlement is so obnoxious. if they were serious about the sport, they should go to a proper course and get a proper workout. how can they actually get a workout on the streets around those areas when they're probably stopping every two miles at the longest stretches... silliness.
sorry, ....who "wear"....
i also detest typos.
We cyclists happen to have the same rights as cars... it is the driver's responsibility to make sure it is safe to pass a cyclist...
Massachusetts' drivers are the worst when it comes to respecting cyclist's rights... I can assure you that for every A..hole cyclist, there are 10X dangerous drivers
have you every imagined what it's like to be a cyclist (who can't stop on a dime) when are car who was so eager to pass you decides to take a right turn right in front of you...
Cyclists are in 2 camps... been in accident or going to be in one. We are unprotected and you are in a 3000lb cocoon...
Posts like this one piss me off
I beg to differ.
Cyclists have no more than 2/5s the rights of motorists. If that's not ennumerated in the Constitution it should be amended.
Though I agree and would take it further, for every one a-hole cyclist there are AT LEAST 10 times as many bad drivers out there. And, furthermore, bikers can't easily kill anyone (except via HIV and whatnot).
But there's that other ratio which I'll reiterate:
For every one biker on these dangerous roads....there's ONE MORON, namely the biker himself!
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