That my 65 year-old father COULD NOT find the pause button on the remote control. Even when I pointed it out to him, he defended himself by saying, "How could I know that those two lines meant 'pause'?!?!?!"
I still don't know what to do with this one. How many years have we had remotes and VCRs? Twenty-five at least.
The next time you are talking to your cable company's technical assistance, ask them how many calls a day they get from *seniors* who can't operate the remote control. I think it's very well half their workload.
Categorically 'old coots' and 'old bags' are stumped by the *TV power*/*cable power* mind-boggler. Invariably, they leave one of them on permanently.
One of my neighbors, an elderly woman with dementia who is home alone during the day while her daughter is working, recently called 911 to report her missing remote. She had weeks previously called them to report being out of peanut butter. And before that...
Since the local PD cannot officially suggest this, I have told the daughter to consider labeling a speed dial button with 911 but programing my number in so as not to bother the boys on duty.
Are you going to answer the phone, "911, what's your emergency?"
The "||" symbol is on old CD/Cassette music players too. Casette players predate VCRs, don't they? Did you dad never listen to music?
With caller ID I could answer that way though I doubt she would know one way or another - she's crazy!
"She's crazy!"....a redundancy if there ever was one.
I think Sarah Silverman might have pranked your neighbor.
As I said in the post, I *don't know what to do with this one*. I have his DNA for crying out loud. What am I to become?
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