Saturday, November 01, 2008

My Little Psychological Battles

Today is November 1st and my rent is due.

I ain't paying it, today or tomorrow. I will make my bankrupt landlord sweat it out again this month. On October 3rd I got a text from him asking for the rent check. He got it the 5th.

You see, I've had a little bit of a falling out with this crumb. He started behaving towards me in, well, an unacceptable fashion.

All last year I paid him the rent early - sometimes a week before it was due. I knew he needed the money and it cost me nothing to make this gesture. Why not do what I could to curry favor with someone who could make my life miserable, right?

Well, either he forgot, didn't care, or is just a plain old nimrod, when we had an *issue* in August he forgot about all the goodwill and took the low road. Now it's my turn to respond in kind.

AND in triplicate!

Not only will he have to sweat the rent check each month. He'll be getting a notice from my lawyer to return my security deposit....for Christmas. AND he'll have to escrow my last month's rent. Wouldn't be a big deal if he hadn't already spent the $5,000.

Oh yeah, I have a mental list of about 20 other things I could do to this jerk if he insists on grappling with me - government agencies I can report him to and whatnot. Believe me, I'm the last person anyone should ever aspire to pick a fight with. This is the stuff I live for.

Leon ain't got nothin' on me. [WARNING - graphic language]

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