The other day my son casually mentioned to me that something - which escapes my memory - was *made in China*.
I asked him how he knew that.
PrinceC-Nut - [silence]
CaptiousDad - HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT WAS MADE IN CHINA??? Is it written somewhere?
PrinceC-Nut - No DAAAAAD!!! [rather perturbed at my probing]
CaptiousDad - Well then how do you KNOW it was made in China?
PrinceC-Nut - BECAUSE....[pause]....BECAUSE everything's made in China, Dad!
So I glanced at the screwdriver in my hand. Sure enough, you can infer what three words were emblazoned on it.
This exchange was a virtual déjà vu of the last one I had with a homeschooler.
See the tail end of - Homeschoolers - Winning The Diversity Bee Too!
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